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What is a Well-Balanced Life?

David Veevers

Busy professionals will tell you that there’s no such thing as a balanced life, but that’s not true. Some people might prefer an unbalanced life, but that option doesn’t appeal to everyone. A well-balanced life is a worthwhile objective for the majority of the population, but, we need to ask;

What is a well-balanced life?

It’s a life that has all the resources and activities that you most desire. It largely avoids feelings of sacrifice. A balanced life isn’t for those who want to be the best in the world at something. It’s not for the people who live on the edge of the fringe. It’s for regular people who want to enjoy all aspects of life, rather than focus on one thing.

In short, a balanced life contains everything you want it to contain, a mix of goal-achieving activities, along with some stress-relieving activities

Evidence would suggest that all balanced lives have several things in common:

1. Finances. If you’re worried about being able to buy school uniforms or paying all your bills on time, your life isn’t balanced. If you can’t do the things you most want to do for financial reasons, your life isn’t balanced. Can you afford a new transmission on your car if it broke on you? Do you spend all of your waking hours trying to make enough money to balance everything out?

● You don’t need to be wealthy to have a balanced life, but you do need to have enough money,  because, you can be young without money, but you can't be old without it!

2. Access to transport? Can you get where you need to be when you need to be there? Transportation can take the form of walking, public transportation, ride services, friends, or your vehicle.

● Reliable transportation is an important part of living a balanced life.

3. Friends. You might have ten friends in an ideal world, or one might be plenty. However, we all need at least one friend. You can’t do everything alone. There is no such thing as a self-made man, he didn't do it alone!

4. Intimate relationship. This one is optional for many people but entirely necessary for others. Most of us do better if we have an intimate relationship or a relationship with the potential to become intimate. Busy people often neglect this area of their lives, but that can be a mistake, as it produces the conditions in which it's a challenge to flourish, health isn’t 100% under your control, you have more control over it than you’ve probably been exercising. Things break down due to improper use, poor maintenance, or both! Don't make such a foolish mistake, your health is your life.

6. Time. Our most precious resource, swap the word time, for life,  this is what our life is made of, time. If you don’t have enough free time, your life isn’t well-balanced. How much free time do you need? That’s up to you. However, if you don’t have time to do the things you want to do, you don’t have enough. Remember, you can't save time, you can only spend it! spend it wisely!

7. Fun. Everyone needs to have some fun once in a while. Can you quickly answer the question, “What do you do for fun?”? If not, you have some work to do. Why would you not make time for such a pleasurable experience? bring it on I would say.

8. Personal growth. Progress is part of enjoying life. We feel great when we’re making progress. How have you grown and changed in the last six months? Remember, we will never be finished! We are a work in progress, always.

9. Career. Money is one thing. Your career is another. Though, they can be closely related. If you make plenty of money but hate how you make it, your life could be better. Follow your passion, not your pension! Your passion for financing your pension.

Having thought about your areas, do you have a balanced life? It’s easy to know. Do you have the money and time to take care of yourself, and your family, and to do the things you most want to do? Do you have the social life you desire? Do you have enough time in your week to have fun and grow personally? Do you enjoy your career?

We must ask the hard questions in life, it's the best way to make it an easy life.

Remember this, change can be scary if it's not goal-directed, you need to consider setting a goal or intention to put your health and a desire for a balanced life on project status, now, why would you not? you know it makes sense, so do it!

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